Discover Your Natural Tendencies
This can be done by taking a personality test but also requires some life experience.
Keep in mind that Personality Tests are most accurate for people who are 30 years old (and older).

This is easier said than done but if your goal is to benefit yourself, others and mankind (and you completed Step 1), I believe you are on the right track.
To achieve this over a lifetime is the epitome of success.

Prevent & Reduce Suffering (Minimize & Avoid Pleasures that Lead to Suffering)
A lot of the pleasures we seek actually create suffering. Things like eating consistent junk food, smoking cigarettes and making a living by taking advantage of others, are some of the things that give people pleasure, only to undermine their society, security and well-being over the long run.
Converting from pleasures that cause suffering to pleasures that prevent, reduce and lead to the elimination of suffering are the new good deeds of our modern world.
NOTE: All of us create suffering to an extent since all of us are consumers to an extent, and our consumption places a burden on the earth, on animals, wildlife and the rest of mankind.
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- You can find this answer on Musing.io
- Free Personality Test
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~ @chrisrice
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